30 Day Self-Awareness Challenge
Journal Your Way to the True You

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This 30 Day Challenge will guide you to True Self-Awareness

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Want to get to know yourself better?

I created this journal to help you
learn more about the true you.

Do you need more self-love?

Do you know your passions and purpose?

Do you prioritize yourself?

Journal Your Way To The True You

What others are saying about Kat’s strategies.

Kat’s radiant energy is infectious! I feel so lucky to have been able to connect with such a genuine soul! I rarely follow anyone on social media, but I will always log on to soak in the realism of Kat and her evolving growth. Her views are massively refreshing and relatable!
Jama Young
Mom of Two
What Kat talks about moves me to tears. Her impact is huge, and it will be getting only more powerful. Her methods may turn out to be a great gift for you and your kids
Valeriya Ordinartseva
Founder of Made in Childhood
During our coaching session Kat helped me feel comfortable and relaxed. I was resolving things that were getting in my way of being truly authentic with myself. I now feel like I am more comfortable in my skin, and ready to do what I love without worrying about anyone else’s thoughts or opinons.
Meisha Marshall
Mother of One and Marriage Coach

When you commit this 30 Day journal with honesty you will…

  • Begin to know your worth and align with your true self
  • Start to set personal boundaries and stick to them.
  • Stop people pleasing and start putting your needs first.
  • Implement healthier and more effective communication skills.
  • Start breaking the patterns that no longer serve the life you want!

About Kat

As Your Self-Awareness Coach & Communication Expert, I have over twenty years of experience in the personal development industry. My passion to serve others has led me to become a Holistic Health Practitioner, Certified Massage Therapist, Reiki Master Practitioner, Master NLP Breakthrough Coach, Master Practitioner of Time Line Therapy, Master Practitioner of Hypnosis, and Bestselling Author.

My greatest teachers are my children. I am Mom to 3 amazing souls with whom I continue to learn and grow. It is through being a mom that I started to learn about generational patterns and the limiting beliefs that can be inherited from our ancestors. It has become my purpose in life to help as many people as possible break the patterns that no longer serve them and start their greatest journey of all… learning to fully love and accept themselves. When someone truly loves themself, they make more meaningful connections with their family and loved ones. My vision with this goal is to free future generations from carrying on the negative cycles so they have a fresh start at living their own authentic lives.

My unique coaching methods guide you to communicate more effectively, release stuck negative emotions, and free yourself from the limiting beliefs that hold you back from living your best life.